M & M Computer Solutions, L.L.C.
Specializing in residential & small network computers
Before you buy a new computer, here are some things to consider:
1) Is the processor an Intel or AMD brand? Intel processors have more internal L2 cache memory. Cache memory allows the processor to store the most frequently used data within the processor itself for speedy access, rather than getting the information from the hard drive. Intel processors on average have twice as much cache memory than AMD processors and therefore usually perform better & faster than AMD processors. Due to this fact, we only sell computers with Intel brand processors.
2) What type of processor is in the computer? This is an important factor in the pricing of computers. There any many types of Intel processors in computers and their names can be confusing. For example, Dual Core, Core 2 Duo, i5, i7, etc. The difference between these processors is usually the amount of internal cache memory in the processor and how fast the processor can handle information. A Core 2 Duo processor that is 2.5 GHz will be faster than a Dual Core 3 GHz processor. Even though the Dual Core has a higher GHz speed, it has less internal cache and internally slower than the Core 2 Duo.
3) What is the length of the warranty? At M & M Computer Solutions, LLC, we have a three (3) year warranty on our computer systems. Most other computers have only a one (1) year warranty.
4) What brand of parts are in the computer? At M & M Computer Solutions, we always use name brand parts in our computer systems. Many national name brand computers use less than quality parts or proprietary parts that are only available through their customer support numbers.
5) What type and amount of R.A.M. is in the computer? The number of gigabytes of R.A.M. in a computer affects the price and speed of a computer. Also, the type of R.A.M. affects the price and speed of a computer. For example, a computer with 2 GB of DDR 3 R.A.M. will be faster (and probably cost more) than a computer with 4 GB of DDR 2 R.A.M.
6) What size of hard drive is in the computer? The more gigabytes (GB) a hard drive contains, the more information can be stored on the computer. After a certain point, it can be over-kill and you could be paying for storage that you don't need or will never use.
7) If you purchase a computer at a national chain store, what happens after the purchase? If you are a novice with a computer this can be intimidating. At M & M Computer Solutions, we deliver our computers to your home or business and set it up for you FREE of charge! When we deliver and setup our new computers, we also transfer your documents and pictures along with set up your printer, internet connection, etc.
Copyright M & M Computer Solutions, LLC. Page last updated 1-14-2012